Boys Have Higher Death Rates From Many Causes, Study Shows

Link here. Excerpt:

'Males may be the more vulnerable sex when it comes dying young -- not just from accidents, but from a range of causes, a new study finds.

Looking at a decade's worth of data on U.S. children and teenagers, researchers found that boys had higher death rates than girls from 17 of 19 broad causes.

Those included not only accidents -- in which boys' greater risk-taking can come into play -- but also cancer and diseases of the heart, lungs and nervous system.
Figuring out why boys have higher death rates could also aid in the wider understanding of different diseases, Feudtner noted. "It could help everyone if we understand the factors at work," he said.'

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There is a feminist-induced blindness that the researchers have. They keep looking at defective male genes, and other notions that are supported by feminist lies. How about the obvious folks? Males receive less health care assistance than females, are expected to fend for themselves more than females, and are not allowed to complain while females are given nearly unlimited permission to complain. Of course male children are dying more often in the face of these and similar cultural factors.

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