SAVE E-lert: Don't Let KFC Chicken-out on Domestic Violence

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) is still running a TV ad that shows a woman slapping a man across the face. We can't imagine them running an ad like this with the genders reversed. Can you?

This gender biased ad has triggered an international outcry. Persons from 28 countries have signed a petition condemning the KFC ads for promoting "dangerous stereotypes." Facebook comments say KFC is "sexist."

A major research compilation shows female-perpetrated partner violence is more widespread than male-perpetrated violence - 28.3% vs. 21.6%:

Sign the petition here:

Want to visit KFC stores to share your concern?

Download this flyer, visit your local KFC restaurant, and share the flyer and speak with the manager. Ask them to contact the corporate office on your behalf. Then, take a photo of the restaurant. Send it with details (location, manager's response, etc.) to


Thank you!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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