Why straight men are boycotting marriage

Article here. Excerpt:

'It may come as a surprise to you, but according to Dr Helen Smith’s new book, Men on Strike: Why Men are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood and the American Dream – And Why it Matters, men are being oppressed by women who portray them as “buffoons, deadbeats and potential perverts” in a backlash against masculinity.

This tome is not an elaborate satire. Smith is a men’s rights advocate who believes that men are “opting out” of marriage and fatherhood, and it’s all feminism’s fault. There are few incentives for them to get married (why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free… and without the cow nagging you to take the rubbish out) and, since their reproductive rights are being increasingly curtailed (ahem) with paternity fraud cases (which Smith seems to think are as prevalent as babies themselves), they feel less inclined to have children.
Unsurprisingly, her message has struck a chord with the men she’s talking about. “Living in a feminist utopia is very painful and expensive for most men who enter into the marriage racket” said one fan of her book.'

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The author is just another out-of-touch feminist asserting more drivel, myths and lies in an attempt to deflect the valid claims found in Dr. Helen Smith's book about the marriage strike. The interesting part about this article is that the high ground of the debate is between two women, but all about what men feel and think. As usual, women think they know more about men than men, and men's voices are not a part of this debate, even though it's about men. It's a crazy world in the popular media...

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