SAVE: Turning Up the Heat on Kentucky Fried Chicken

Last week we told you about Kentucky Fried Chicken's Hot Shot Bites TV ad that shows a woman slapping a man across the face. Not only is KFC telling concerned consumers that the slap is "humor," they've also ignored our very polite letter asking them to remove the ads because they promote domestic violence.

So, let's turn up the heat on KFC!

Want to turn the heat up to HIGH? Here's the plan:

Download this flyer, visit your local KFC restaurant, and share the flyer and your concerns with the manager. Ask the manager to contact the corporate office on your behalf. Then, take a photo of the restaurant. Send it with details (location, manager's response, etc.) to We'll post it here:

Thank you,

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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