Young: Making Fed appointment about gender is truly sexist

Article here. Excerpt:

'Another week, another gender war -- this time, with the Federal Reserve as the battlefield.

At the center is economist Janet Yellen, vice chairwoman of the Fed's Board of Governors and a top pick to take over its leadership. Yellen would be the first woman to head the powerful institution that sets U.S. monetary policy. Some claim there is a devious campaign to discredit her because she's a woman; others, that her backers are playing the gender card to boost her chances. Compounding the controversy, Yellen's rival for the position, former Treasury Secretary and Harvard president Lawrence Summers, is not just a man but a man who has been accused of sexism.

Perhaps the real sexism here was injecting gender into the debate in the first place, rather than focusing on merits and issues.
Whichever candidate gets the job, those who dislike the choice will no doubt see it as gender pandering -- either to an old boys' network or to feminist pressure groups. Like most gender wars, this one is likely to have no winners, only losers.'

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