ACFC: Equally Shared Parenting Legislation Being Enacted Nationally

Article here. Excerpt:

'2013 may well be remembered as the year the tide changed decisively in favor of Equally Shared Parenting in the United States. In the month of April two states, Arkansas and Florida, have both passed legislation mandating equal and substantially equal parenting time as the preferred outcome for children experiencing their parents’ divorce. In Arkansas the legislation has already been signed by the governor and is law.

Act 1156 has been signed by Arkansas Governor Mike Beebe. Language of the act calls for courts to favor joint legal custody. The Act goes further to define joint legal custody as meaning “approximate and reasonable equal division of time with the child by both parents.” The act further states the court may order this arrangement at its discretion, it is not necessary that the parents be in agreement about joint legal custody for it to happen. Additionally the law states that a parent who creates conflict or attempts to disrupt a joint custody arrangement may lose custody to the non-disruptive parent. This is great news for children and parents, particularly fathers in Arkansas, as they will no longer have to ‘fight it out’ in court to remain a full parent to their children.'

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