Teacher indicted for kindergarten's bully revenge

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former Judson school district kindergarten teacher accused of rallying students to line up and hit a disruptive schoolmate could now end up behind bars following her indictment Tuesday for official oppression.

Cynthia Ambrose, 43, was an 11-year veteran at Salinas Elementary in May when authorities said a less experienced kindergarten teacher sought advice for disciplining a 6-year-old student accused of bullying other children. Ambrose's solution, the colleague later told the school district's police department, was to have other students bully the alleged bully.

Official oppression — a charge often applied to police officers who abuse their positions — is a Class A misdemeanor carrying a maximum sentence of a year in jail.

At least seven children struck the targeted student as Ambrose encouraged them, saying “Hit him harder,” and “Teach him why bullying is bad,” authorities alleged.'

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