Pentagon considering affirmative action in combat

Article here. Excerpt:

'Senior military personnel are considering giving women different military training than men, The Washington Times reports.

The effort was proposed by Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Niki Tsongas at a recent House Armed Services Committee hearing because so far, she says training systems do not “maximize the success of women.”

Though the armed services have promised that combat standards will be the same regardless of gender, senior officers are considering initially separate training systems.

Army Lt. Gen. Howard Bromberg, serving as deputy chief of staff for personnel, considers separate training programs to be more about considering all soldiers as individuals, citing a need to explore how the training process works.'

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didn't see this coming? military just becoming another gov. handout mechanism for da gurls.

maybe we can declare war on bermuda or cosumel, or maybe the swiss, so the womenz can have somebody to conquer. "soldier of fortune" could get some good shots of female soldiers (properly attired) storming the nude beaches of St. Martin. they need a good military spanking.

hey, I always look for the good in everything. this progressive garbage has gone beyond bizarre.

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