'Where's Valerie Solanas When You Need Her? What It Really Means To Man-Hate In 2013'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The best part about all of this anti-misandry nonsense is that misandry isn’t real! There is no such thing as an inveterate systematic hatred of men and there never has been. Misandry exists only as an exaggerated Internet joke and as a way in which women who have been directly or indirectly hurt by men to express their frustration and anger.
I am not saying man-hating or declaring yourself as a misandrist is definitively radical since hating men has been and is not abnormal--rather the opposite. To viscerally despise those who indirectly oppress you is nothing new, for women and other minorities. Misandry is only a result and reaction to the invariable hatred of women that has existed for centuries.

If someone is a misandrist, it is not so much a sign of rebellion as it is a condition one has developed out of pure exhaustion with being treated like invaluable piece of meat whose only purpose is to serve as a fuckable or nonfuckable body.'

Ed.: Wikipedia on Valerie Solanas.

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As repellant as some of what may appear on feminist and semi-feminist web sites like xojane.com is, you have to take with a grain of salt any such site that allows extensive articles on make-up/facials to be published regularly (gee, that's a typical topic of conversation among dedicated feminists-- not), but also the same publishing articles about "the other kind of facial" (NSFW) and not in a particularly condemnatory fashion.

So my opinion of xojane.com is that it is, like more than a few people in the world today, a little split-personalitied on things having to do with culture and society. Still, this particular article clearly has the following bent: men can't be systematically hated, it's never happened, and if anyone does hate men categorically, well, we have it coming. She also doesn't seem to think that hate-filled whack-job Solanas wasn't so bad.

That's what I'd call a decidedly feminist article.

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So misandry doesn't exist, and anyway it's perfectly legit.


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As you can imagine, a dogfight ensued in the comments section of this article, between MRA's and Feminists. I had been having a back and forth with one of the Feminists, so I returned to the site today, only to find that all of my comments had been deleted. So, too, were many of those from other MRA's.

Of course, the Feminist comments, even those that were made in response to the deleted ones, are still there. Makes for a bit of a one-sided conversation.

While most of the comments were civil, some got a bit testy, on both sides. One of the worst offenders is someone calling herself SaraKee, but there are plenty of others. If you're curious, you can still read these. Since, of course, no matter how nasty or childish, any comment by a Feminist is worth preserving!

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