Campaign encourages ‘healthy masculinity’ in the Oil Patch

Article here. Excerpt:

'WATFORD CITY, N.D. – A national campaign will debut in Watford City next week to encourage men in the Oil Patch to take a stand against domestic violence.

A town hall meeting called Healthy Masculinity and the Patch is set for 10 a.m. July 31 in Watford City, one of six events planned around the country by the Healthy Masculinity Action Project.

The campaign aims to prevent sexual assault and violence by engaging men as allies and encouraging men and women to discuss stereotypical gender roles, said Jennifer Weisgerber, one of the event’s coordinators.'

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The kind that includes lessons on how to avoid financial abuse/exploitation of men, avoiding psycho-emotional or physical abuse of partners, learning to be independent for real rather than a faux sense of independence that holds out for the Cinderella-Rich Prince scenario, etc., etc.

When we gonna see that?

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