Men and Women are the Same — Except when Women are Better

Article here. Excerpt:

'Why are some men generous while others are stingy? An interesting article titled “Why Men Need Women” in the New York Times recently claims the presence of females make males more generous.
Presumably, this is an interesting, feel-good article that makes us all happy that there are males and females who complement each other by playing their specific gender roles. But wait just one second.

Liberals tell us all the time that – as in a recent BuzzFeed article — that men and women are the same. This recent New York Times article, for example, claims, “Whether a family has one parent or two, and whether those parents are of opposite sexes or the same, doesn’t matter.” An NPR piece claims we’re finally experiencing the “end of gender.”
So, which is it, liberals? Are men and women the same? Or, as the New York Times article claims, are they so different that women’s mere presence increase levels of generosity in men?
Of course, normal people know the answer to this question. There are differences between men and women – we work together in complementary ways as irreplaceable partners. There’s something deeply negative about breaking up the male/female alliance – whether through divorce, death, or a society pretending away obvious distinctions.

But there’s a problem when the Left shoves nonsensical ideology down people’s throats.

They just can’t keep their story straight. The left says gender doesn’t matter, except when it does. And it only matters when women are better than men. (Can you imagine the outrage that would ensue over a New York Times article called “Why Women Need Men?”) We’ve been told countless times that “a woman needs a man as much as a fish needs a bicycle.”

But snarky analogies aside, it’s ironic that the self-described “reality-based community” embraces only those realities it finds comforting. Turns out, for all the Left’s elitism, they’re more like the rest of us than they might like to realize. After all, isn’t one of the central challenges of the human condition learning to see past your own prejudices to embrace uncomfortable truths?

But in the world of the New York Times, uncomfortable truths are for others to ponder. They’ve got it all figured out.

Girls rule.'

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