Ireland: Upcoming debate to address "feminized" workplaces

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have been asked to preside over a debate in Galway on whether feminism has now definitively triumphed: the event is some time away, but I am sure it will be spirited and lively.

Yet current studies on the victory of feminism are tending to put the conquest in ambivalent terms: is this, as Hanna Rosin asks in a best-selling and influential American study, 'The End of Men: And the Rise of Women'? The author paints a concerning, even alarming, picture of the trends in western (and some eastern) societies. Women are advancing on all fronts, and men, in general, are retreating. Not only retreating, but failing, underachieving, becoming redundant and "useless".
Everywhere (except Africa) women are becoming better-educated, and overtaking men at university level. In 2012, for the first time ever, there were more college-educated women than men, among Americans aged 30 to 44.

The same pattern is evident in Europe, Australia, Latin America, the Caribbean, Central Asia and even the Arab states. In Bahrain and Qatar, women now make up nearly 70pc of college graduates. Even in Saudi Arabia, more than half of undergraduates and PhDs are female.

Women in their 20s, in the US, are now out-earning men, and if they remain childless they will continue to keep parity with male incomes. Nearly a third of Brazilian women now make more money than their husbands.

Hanna Rosin notes the increased prevalence of entire neighbourhoods that are now "matriarchies" – where single mothers raise families alone. More than a third of mothers in the US are the family breadwinners, and it's not problem-free.

Out-of-wedlock births are "the new norm", and will soon become, in many western societies, the majority practice. Male wages have been stagnant since 2009 and few average men can now step into the role of sole family provider.
From the Forbes rich list, to the top CEOs and most powerful political figures, the "alpha" male remains as successful among homo sapiens as he is among the silver-backed apes. Is this really a triumph – average men labelled as "losers", while a few alpha-males are still in control? If it is a triumph it is surely a mixed one, and maybe even a Pyrrhic victory.'

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Eventually, it happens. In societies where most men are un-/under-educated, crime shoots up and eventually, political and social unrest leading to insurrections, rebellions (i.e., unsuccessful revolutions) and finally, revolutions succeed. It never fails. Societies that have educated male pop'ns see peaceful changes-- sometimes minor, sometimes major, but transitions are predictably peacable, with infrequent exception.

The goal of feminist agitators on college campuses is the eventual elimination of male students. They are making quick progress by teaming with a feminist-sympathizing Dept. of Education to create legally-sanctioned environments wherein male college students are automatically viewed with hostile suspicion by college administrations and presumed guilty of anything they may be accused of. Perhaps male-only colleges will experience a resurgence but if they should meet w/ any degree of success at gaining significant additions of institutions, I have no doubt feminist lawyers will use the legal system to force them to be co-ed. The feminists' real intentions, to purge males from higher ed, is revealed by the fact that they don't seek the production of more single-sex women-only colleges or converting current co-ed ones to single-sex; that'd actually result in what they say they want, a *guaranteed* male/rape-free campus (b/c as you know, the two things are the same). What they want is campuses to be co-ed, w/ no men-only colleges allowed (or, none of any significance or significant size), but to create such a hostile environment for males that they won't go to a co-ed college or won't be allowed to stay. That way, they succeed at driving men out of higher ed in a co-ed environment and allow them no other way to get a college degree-- except maybe via remote education using computers off-campus, or only by maybe going overseas, which isn't economical for most men and their families.

Between the rapid decline in college-educated men and the likewise high drop-out rate of male high school students thereby lowering further the pool of potential qualified male applicants to college, in a few short decades, the typical 20-something-YO American man will be wholly unfit educationally for not just the fast-changing, technologically advanced workplace, but he won't be fit to participate in the barest duties of civic life: serve on a jury, vote with any sense of making even a brief but sound consideration of the issues/candidates, etc. He will be -- and feel -- disenfranchised, disaffected, disparaged, and most critically, he'll have a nagging sense of desperation and victimization, that somehow, he got put in his current position, through no fault of his own.

Just the kind of man who makes the perfect insurgent/rebel soldier. All such men will need are the right leaders to harness their frustration and anger and direct it to something which I predict will be very undesirable.

By then though, I have little doubt modern surveillence technology will be able to track, correlate, identify, and target ppl who are becoming actual real-life threats to peace and security. In fact, such very advanced stuff is as we know already in place. But can it catch everyone who sets out to do bad things? What happens when the number of potential bad actors increases to 100 times what it is now b/c of these social and economic trends? Even if these predictions shouldn't come true, tell me, what do you do with potentially millions of unemployable men (and more than a few women, too)? Do they all go on welfare like envisioned in Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.? How much more can the ppl and businesses remaining who can pay taxes will have to? Twice as much as now? Three times more? Are we going to just keep auctioning bonds to raise more debt to turn around and spend it like this?

If anyone wants a sneak preview of what a country with large numbers of un-/under-educated, unemployable men looks like, I refer you to such nations as S. Africa, Mexico, and Russia. I don't mention these countries in particular to be insulting to them or their people, nor do I pick any of them in particular except for this reason: They all used to have relatively well-educated male populations. I.e., boys tended to graduate from at least high school more often as not, and they had reasonably decent work prospects, even if also suffering under some kind of particular or general tyrrany in the form of "red communism" or for black S. Africans, apartheid. Now, they do not. Their educational success rate has plummeted as has their prospects for decent above-board work. What's the result? Wikipedia tells you:

Crime in Mexico
Crime in S. Africa
Crime in Russia

I don't pretend for a moment to say that a loss in educational attainment in the male population is *the* only factor involved in the genesis of crime or violent revolutionary endeavors. What I am saying is that an educated man is *more likely* to seek solutions to whatever problems, frustrations, etc. he has in life by exercising his imagination combined with the knowledge attained via education. He is less likely to take "shortcuts" in the form of "simple solutions" that involve criminal activity (but of course, there's no guarantee-- ultimately, with the right motivation or persuasion, anyone may be lured or persuaded into doing bad things, unfortunately). Maintaining a reasonably well-educated male population isn't just abt keeping men employable, happy, enfranchised, etc.; it's also good public policy, heading off criminogenesis as well.

But as for now... this is where America's headed, make no mistake. The signs are already sprouting up in particular locales and it's only going to spread. Eventually, Mexico, S. Africa, and Russia will go through convulsions arising from this state that lead to revolution, and so eventually will the US. When? Hard to say. 2150? 2100? Maybe the US will decide of its own accord to divide itself into separate countries via a peaceful methodology using a final amendment to the US Con'n declaring the United States dissolved and replaced by X new countries, geographically defined in the amendment, but left to decide their own national structure for gov't-- and that'll be that. As far-fetched as that sounds, it's already an idea that's being bandied about (privately, of course) in some state capitals. After all, if Scotland can schedule a plebiscite on secession from the UK, anything can happen.

Well no matter, I hope things get better for men instead of worse, of course. I do hope both the single-eyed, Cyclops-like feminist operatives in colleges and elsewhere wake the f-ck up soon and realize what they're doing and how ultimately, it will spell their own destruction. After all, just how "empowered" is anyone when she needs to live in a gated community with armed guards around it and bullet-proof armor installed into her car, driven by a man (of course) with a machine-gun whom she needs to pay for protection? This isn't hyperbole, folks. It's reality, just south of the border.

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