New Zealand: Male sex abuse numbers unknown

Article here. Excerpt:

'When most people think about the victims of sexual abuse they don't think of men. Do we have any idea of how many men in New Zealand are sexually abused?

We have no New Zealand statistics in relation to men and boys who are victims of sexual abuse or violence. Overseas stats suggest one in six boys will be sexually violated before their 16th birthday. Dr Tess Patterson at University of Otago has just recently started interviewing men we have been working with and hopefully next year we'll have New Zealand's first study.
There are many reasons males don't come forward, fear of being seen as weak or gay and the huge myth that if you are a male and have been sexually abused, you will go on to abuse. This is not said of female victims. For males to come forward we need to have safe places and more resources.

Are there other cultures that deal with sexual abuse better than our own?

In a word NO. This is a world-wide problem and denial seems to be the norm.'

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