'My step-by-step programme for curing men of sexism'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Many men today think sexism is a perilous concept to get their heads around. Guys, it isn’t.

Simply don’t treat women as a lower human category to you and you’re fine and dandy. Several famous men have messed up recently with woeful chauvinist blunderings. Let’s examine where they went wrong.'

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I tried to post this comment to the Indy but they've switched to using F'book for logins for comments. I utterly despise that sort of thing and don't trust secure credential transfer/non-snooping by the host service for_a_second. Consequently, I *never* log into a third party site via F'book. Really, if I wanted to buy something from Amazon, why would I be expected to log in with my Barnes and Noble ID?

Anyway, actually she makes perfectly valid points for the most part re the kinds of comments and the underlying attitudes they express. Those men making such comments are rightly criticized by her over them.

What she and other typical social commentators who address sexism vs. women in society usually leave out is the "golden side of sexism", the kind that categorically benefits women/girls. It ranges from who-pays-for-dinner to anti-father/pro-mother bias in child custody matters to denial that women can and do commit crimes or even just certain crimes, such as domestic battery, child abuse, sexual molestation, etc. These attitudes are also sexist but because they are "woman-friendly" sexist attitudes, commentators usually don't even consider or think abt them. There is a word to describe a society's tendency to view matters in a way favorable to the interests of females regardless of whether such is warranted or just; it's "nymphotropism". It includes the more traditional thought pattern known as "chivalry", but expands on it to include a broader sense of how it plays out. Included in it is the sense that anti-male sexism is not just acceptable but desirable while pro-male sexism is decidedly not.

Until social commentators of both sexes are ready to address all four kinds of sexism: anti-female, pro-female, anti-male, pro-male -- instead of just two (namely: anti-female and pro-male), there'll be neither justice nor the creation of a resolution system that everyone can reasonably be expected to live with. Cultural and social de-cohesion will continue until... hard to say what the final result will look like. But I bet it won't be pretty.

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