Why I don't bother arguing/debating with feminists

Occasionally MANN admins receive an email from someone saying they said something on a feminist web site that got them banned immediately, or flamed and put on moderation, and gee, why did that happen? The thing they said is usually simply a questioning of a presumption or an ask for more evidence, usually not something inherently offensive. But to feminists, any questioning of their ideas, presumptions, or evidence is. I was sent a link to this video for my own "amusement" but have decided to post it. It's a collage of what it looks like to actually try to have a debate or public encounter with feminists about men's rights issues. It's NSFW since there are a lot of curse words hurled around.

Debating/reasoning/arguing with feminists is an utterly futile cause. In my experience, the only feminist who stops being a feminist is one who realizes him/herself in a moment of epiphany just what has been going on here. So IMO, it's better to spend time and energy educating others than talking to a wall with no ears (and one that hurls obscenities back at you, to boot). But if you want to argue with them because you think it's constructive in some way for the movement or there's a chance you may be able to persuade one to see reason, then by all means; you got more optimism than me!

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