CA Paternity Justice Act - AB2240
warble writes "On Tuesday, August 6, 2002 the California Senate Committee of Judiciary held a hearing on AB2240. Several men's activist groups appeared, including NCFC, and NCFM, LA. Monday, they lobbied the CA Senate in favor of AB2240, in an effort to discern the arguments presented by the opposition. The effort is directed at moving the bill out of committee onto the floor. As usual, the opposition is forwarding frivolous arguments, trying to dilute the bill, or simply stop it in committee. Currently, the bill has been completely feminized and yet they are still trying to oppose it. The lobbying efforts are aimed at trying to get amendments that eliminate absolute judicial discretion, hold women responsible for paternity fraud instead of rewarding them with money from the richest man, modifications to the declaration of paternity form so that women can choose to declare that they require paternity testing, and elimination of the three-year time limit while moving the bill out of committee. Therefore, your letters in support of the bill are appreciated. To read the bill go to "Bill Information" and enter AB2240. To send an email to the committee go the following link: CA Senate Committee of Judiciary"
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