Healthy Newborn Dies Post Circumcision Hemorrhage

Link here. This story was originally circulated as a public sharing on CraigsList, but flagged for removal by readers. Excerpt:

'• Jayvas was born naturally on November 15th 2008, a very healthy baby boy. He was full term.

• On 11-28-2008 he was circumcised by Dr. Beth Martin of Coeur d'Alene Pediatrics. While in the office he bled excessively. It took about fifteen minutes of constant pressure to the sight to get Jayvas to stop bleeding. He was sent home from the doctor's office with instruction to have his blood checked the following week as it was a Friday. Dr. Beth Martin thought he may have a bleeding disorder because of the excessive bleeding, but did not think it needed to be checked until the following week.

• When home and beginning to change his diaper, about an hour and half after leaving doctor's office, he was again bleeding.

• Jayvas was taken to Kootenai emergency room, where he saw Dr. Henry Amon Jr. When Jayvas arrived his diaper was full of blood. Dr. Amon examined Jayvas and said that it is normal for babies to bleed after they have been circumcised. He said there was nothing he could do - that Jayvas was not 'bleeding enough.'

• Jayvas arrived at Sacred Heart Children's Hospital on December 31st 2008. The doctors there said that Jayvas was very sick because of the loss of oxygen during the cardiac arrest. Jayvas was given a blood transfusion at sacred heart. Jayvas never replenished the blood he had lost from circumcision. He had a few tests done and it was confirmed that Jayvas was completely brain dead from the loss of oxygen during the cardiac arrest. Jayvas continued to go into cardiac arrest at Sacred Heart. The doctors said they would no longer perform CPR because of the damage that had been done from the initial cardiac arrest. Jayvas' body quit for the last time on January 1st 2009.
Source: Public sharing on 5.23.13 on CraigsList at:

This little one's story was flagged by readers and removed from CraigsList on 6.20.13 It is shared here so that his suffering and loss are not in vain. Please, research thoroughly before your son's arrival.

Related reading and resources at Death From Circumcision.'

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The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) is presently accepting written comments in response to the 2014 Viral Hepatitis Action Plan, presenting a opportunity to lodge submissions addressing the risk of excessive bleeding, undiagnosed haemophilia and transmission-transmitted hepatitis B following circumcision.

The deadline for submissions is 5 July 2013.

For further details please see:

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