Does Title IX equality for females come at males’ expense?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Since 1972, when Congress passed Title IX barring sex discrimination in school sports, the number of girls participating in sports in high school and college has skyrocketed. But as I reported a story this week about the National Women’s Law Center filing a complaint against D.C. Public Schools for failing to provide high school girls equal opportunity in sports, I came across a long-running debate about Title IX:
"From 1981 to 2005, male athletes per school declined 6 percent, and men’s teams per school dropped 17 percent. Meanwhile, female athletes per school rose 34 percent, and women’s teams per school rose 34 percent. The total number of women’s teams has exceeded the number of men’s teams since 1995. Every male sport, with the exception of baseball, has decreased or remained static. Non-revenue sports such as wrestling, tennis, and gymnastics have been the hardest hit.”
They point to a 2007 General Accounting Office report that found that while women’s participation rates in college sports were increasing at a faster rate than men, the percentage of men playing sports still exceeded their share of enrollment, even as the numbers of women outstrip men on campus.'

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