New Study Again Confirms Egalitarian Nature of DV
A new study has been done on domestic violence which focuses on DV among college students. Included among the study's authors is Dr. Murray Straus, and the University of New Hampshire was one of the schools where data samples were taken. The results came out as all of the Sociological studies have shown; that assaults are committed by women and men at about equal rates. In some cases, women were even more likely to be the aggressor than men. Foster's Daily Democrat reports on the study here. Update: Foster's has printed another story on the study today. Second Update: The Concord Monitor printed a must-read article on the study, too. Source: Foster's Daily Democrat [newspaper]
Title: UNH study: Men, women equally violent with partners
Author: Unknown [AP article]
Date: July 30, 2002
Source: Foster's Daily Democrat [newspaper]
Title: UNH study find college women often aggressors
Author: Unknown [AP article]
Date: August 5, 2002
Source: The Concord Monitor [newspaper]
Title: Women steamed over violence study
Author: Kristina Eddy
Date: August 5, 2002
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