Daughter of lesbian couple writes Fathers' Day should be eliminated

Article here. Excerpt:

'Abby Bergman has an ax to grind. An LGBT activist “all her life,” according to her bio, the high school junior is also the daughter of a lesbian couple, and as a result … thinks we should chuck Father’s Day out the window.

Bergman just wrote a Father’s Day piece (read, an anti-Father’s Day piece) for the Huffington Post called “Celebrating Father’s Day With Two Moms,” in which she whined that the traditional holiday was not quite inclusive enough. Although nothing stopped her from honoring “all the typical ‘father things’ that my moms do for me every day,” Bergman still managed to gripe.
Her conclusion? Not that every child deserves both a father and mother – not at all. Bergman would rather see male-specific parent appreciation days – like Father’s Day – get scratched off the calendar. “I don't deny that we need a day to recognize our parents – maybe even more than one,” claimed Bergman, “But in our modern society shouldn't we be able to celebrate a holiday that includes everyone? Families come in all shapes and sizes.”

Dads don’t deserve a day specially dedicated to them, it seems. Bergman argued that we shouldn’t be “pressured by society (and Hallmark) to recognize a parent of a particular gender.” What would she prefer? Well, she would really like it “if we all use every day to thank and honor all of our parents.”

A world where nobody gets honored for anything special – just everybody gets honored everyday for everything? Sure, Abby, that sounds great. Of course, she didn’t actually ever mention getting rid of Mother’s Day – but maybe that wouldn’t fly so well with her “two moms.”'

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