SAVE's collection of DED Editorials

Listing here. Excerpt:

'Following is a listing of editorials and articles criticizing the Department of Education (DED) Sexual Assault Directive and sexual harassment speech code, and calling for the restoration of due process and free speech on campus:


  1. KC Johnson: UNC and a Credulous Press – January 19
  2. Pierce Harlan: The State of the Union for the Wrongly Accused is Bleak - January 21
  3. Joseph Cohn: KC Johnson to Journalists: Stop Presuming Guilt – January 22
  4. Amelia Evrigenis: Sexual Violence on Campus: College Lowers Standards of Proof - January 23
  5. KC Johnson: Yale’s Bizarre Sexual Misconduct Hearings – February 1
  6. Community of the Wrongly Accused: American Association of University Professors Stands Up for the Rights of the Innocent in its New Report on Sexual Assault — February 14


Ed. note: The list entries above are hyperlinked on the target page. I'm just too lazy to copy them over into the list when they are right there on SAVE's site. =)

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