Adding two women's sports part of process

Article here. Excerpt:

'Title IX is leading Missouri State to enact changes that could take effect as soon as the fall of 2014: the addition of two women’s sports.

MSU operates under “Prong One”, known as “proportionality,” to comply with Title IX. In other words, the school must carry the same proportion of male and female student-athletes as the proportion of full-time male and female students in the undergraduate student body.

Missouri State’s 2012-13 undergraduate enrollment was 56.7 female. To comply with Title IX, MSU’s proportion of female student-athletes must be within 1 percent in either direction of that number.

According to research from Missouri State, the school is about 2.5 percent away from where it needs to be, and is in the process of adding women’s sports to come back in compliance.
In its five-page report, the task force did not recommend changing or dropping any of the school’s 16 sports. NCAA rules require schools to offer six men’s sports and eight women’s sports. Missouri State currently sponsors six men’s sports and 10 women’s sports.'

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