NPO: Dads Pay Heavier Price than Moms for Taking Flex Time

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the seemingly infinite complaints voiced by the anti-father crowd is that men spend too much time at paid work. It was one of Gideon Burrows gripes in his piece in the Huffington Post UK. According to them, fathers’ working forces women into childcare which, presumably, they’d never do were it not for those selfish dads.

Needless to say, none of these shoot-from-the-hip commenters ever suggests that it might work the other way around – that if Mom would earn a little more, Dad wouldn’t have to and he could spend more time with little Andy or Jenny. Nor do they acknowledge that female human beings, like females of every mammalian species, are hormonally bonded to their children. The idea that mothers might be staying home with the kids because one of the most powerful forces in nature encourages them to goes unmentioned. No, the anti-dad crowd is, well, anti-dad, and can be counted on to spin essentially anything to blame fathers.'

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