SAVE: Tell your Lawmakers to End Over-Prosecution

Over-criminalization is a hot-topic in America. And for good reason. Last week we told you about the Center for Prosecutor Integrity's recent survey on the criminal justice system, where two-fifths (42.8%) of the respondents said they believe that prosecutor misconduct is widespread.

We learned that 71.4% believe most cases of prosecutor misconduct are kept hidden from the public. And 73.5% believe prosecutors who commit misconduct are almost never punished. Now it's time to do something about that.

Contact your state lawmakers* today, and ask that they put effort towards ending over-prosecution.

Thank you for joining our efforts to restore confidence in America's criminal justice system.

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

*Ed.: Couple look-up sites:
Also recommend looking at: to help you FTM. It always leads to some place interesting!

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