Facebook allowing profiles to be used by Lulu

Article here. Excerpt:

'Lulu’s founder, Alexandra Chong, says that the service is simply the natural extension of women’s longstanding desire to see if a guy is everything he’s purporting to be. And while some may consider that a worthy goal, the site’s methods should draw serious scrutiny from anyone remotely concerned with their digital privacy.

Men, whose Facebook profiles provide the foundational content for the site, are explicitly banned from the app. Furthermore, they are not notified when their information is captured, nor when their profiles are viewed, saved, or reviewed. In fact, the only way a man can have his information removed from the site is to email his Facebook profile name to privacy@onlulu.com or to download a separate app (conveniently also made by Lulu) and then deactivate his own profile.'

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So now I have one more reason not to use Facebook.

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