Obama Nominates Betsey Stevenson to Council of Economic Advisers

Article here. Excerpt:

'Dr. Stevenson’s diverse research touches both policy and daily life, and has been widely cited in the news media. While she has written prolifically on a number of subjects, Dr. Stevenson is perhaps best known for her work on the impact of public policy on labor markets, marriage and divorce, women and families, and happiness and well-being.
Furthermore, we cited her research when she found that girls’ participation in sports led to increased college attendance and higher wages, as a result of Title IX, which bans sex discrimination against girls and boys in all programs at schools around the country.

Dr. Stevenson wrote of her findings, “Greater opportunities to play sports lead to greater female participation in previously male-dominated occupations, particularly high-skill occupations.” She concluded that, “the experiment designed by Title IX proves that extracurricular activities like sports play an important role in creating the skills that make us so productive.”'

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