The War On Boys and Anti-Gun Hysteria

Article here. Excerpt:

'Forget the contrived “war on girls”, I’ve been saying there is a war on boys before it was cool. My impending, and always accurate, sense of doom began exactly ten years ago with the birth of my son. From the very first play date where all the moms repeated to their toddler sons, “Don’t hit. We don’t use our hands for hitting”. The “happy hands” philosophy later evolved into restricting their sons from playing with guns and toy weapons.
You know what else sets my teeth on edge? Reading about innocent little boys, 5 and 6 years old, being ostracized and suspended from school for doing what they are naturally wired to do. As far as I am concerned this blatant intolerance and reverse sexism is terrorizing our male children. It’s child abuse under the guise of political correctness. A perfect example of this terror can be found here, where a five year old is interrogated for two hours and becomes so frightened he wets his pants.

Simply put, any teacher or school administrator that doesn’t understand how little boys work doesn’t deserve to be working with children. Instead of admonishing children for chewing pop tarts in the shape of a gun, we fire every single teacher and principal who takes leaves of their damn senses. Lose your common sense, lose your job.'

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If it weren't boys shaping pop-tarts into gun-looking figures or playing "cops and robbers" or something else, it'd be something other than that. Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together knows boys have been playing conflict-simulating games w/ ea. other since time immemorial and it does not predict if any particular one of them will turn out to be a sociopath.

What's going on here is simply the persecution of boys on an institutional level, starting at as early an age as possible and continuing it all the way into and through college (assuming they even get, or want to get there). It's all part of feminists' agenda. Using boys' playing make-believe with gun-simulants of any kind is just the entry point for them, as are others. Modern education in action. No wonder home schooling has gotten so popular.

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According to this article it looks like the boy's pipeline from school to prison is starting in kindergarten.

Matt- thanks for providing the home-school link which shows home-schooling in a positive light.

Also know that the newest craze in home-schooling is taking it all the way through the college level, and with the war on boys and what is going on in college campuses, it's not looking like a bad idea. The treatment of boys especialy in regards to rape allegations is especially concerning to me, especially with my boys being large and "darked skinned". Kinda sad because going away to college (even if its living at home while attending college) should be a positive experience both academically and socially.

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