No winners in the 'war on boys'

Article here. Excerpt:

'This won't be popular with many people and will be viewed as reprehensible by those who profit from the continuing war on boys in public education, but the truth is that our cherished public educational institutions are growing more militantly anti-male with each passing generation.

This should be glaringly obvious to anyone familiar with the intellectual ailments now infecting an entire generation of boys. A full 80 percent of America's 3.7 million teachers are women. The numbers in elementary schools are even more slanted, with many schools reporting a 100 percent female faculty and administration.
Many elementary schools have part-time male faculty with men filling in most often as physical education or music teachers. You don't find a lot of guys at the elementary level, but when you do they are almost always exemplary teachers. They have to be, just to survive.
When did having a Y chromosome become a debilitating condition? No one in authority will admit it, but we are losing an entire generation of young men. The future for boys looks bleak.

Perhaps Thucydides was right. When self interest replaces rational thought, and fear drives out truth, there is no honor, only vengeance.'

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