UK: Battle of the sexes over ‘radical feminism’ conference venue

Article here. Excerpt:

'THE Town Hall was bombarded with complaints after a “radical feminism” conference was held at the council-owned Camden Centre.

Radfem – some members of which are accused of arguing that men should form 10 per cent of the population, according to men’s rights activists – have been barred from holding their annual get-together in Camden venues in recent years.

Last year, Conway Hall in Holborn cancelled the booking because Radfem refused to allow entry to transgender women.

This year the London Irish Centre in Camden Square cancelled because they didn’t have the “manpower” to deal with the complaints they were receiving.

Radfem applied to use the Camden Centre, and the event went ahead on Saturday and Sunday.

An open letter from Men’s Rights Activism to the Camden Centre’s events manager said Radfem had a “documented history of advocating harm to male infants, gendercide of half the human race. At what point did the Camden Centre conclude that this event, which excludes people on the grounds of sex, does not breach the UK Equality Act 2010? I do not consider myself an oppressor because I was born male, this is a denial of my humanity.”'

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