A Joke of a Men’s Studies Center

Article here. Excerpt:

'But the real kicker (and what follows, unlike my first-paragraph attempt at whimsy, is no joke whatsoever) is the list of Advisory Board members. I’ll quote the press release in full – and keep in mind, please, that this is a Center supposedly devoted to the study of men, not women: “Members of the Center’s advisory board include Gloria Steinem, Martin Duberman, Jane Fonda, Eve Ensler, Carol Gilligan, James Gilligan, Frank Ochberg, Gov. Madeleine Kunin (Vermont), Catharine Stimpson and Hampden-Sydney College President Chris Howard.”
Every single one of these women has evinced, over the course of her career (and most of these careers have been long ones indeed), a virtually undivided preoccupation with the study of women – not men, who appear in their work only marginally, and then almost exclusively as bullies, oppressors, impediments, encumbrances, annoyances, predators, and, at best, unnecessary appendages, the human equivalent of the vermiform appendix in the sense that they have no known useful function. (Steinem apparently wasn’t the first person to say that “a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle,” but she repeated it enough to make people think she’d made it up herself.)
If Stony Brook’s press release makes for especially depressing reading, it’s because the subject of maleness is one that actually deserves serious and objective scholarly attention but in today’s politicized, feminism-drenched, male-bashing academy has received next to none. ...'

Ed.: Stony Brook's press release is here.

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So, currently men make up around only 40% of university students. This seems like a great way to drive that number down even further. Isn't getting a feminist to teach male studies kind of like getting a Nazi to teach the Torah?

The university I'm at is more on the conservative side, and even they have feminist policies that are beyond ridiculous. I mean to the point that I feel bad for any male students dating female students. Students can be disciplined for "sexual harassment", which when broken down into layman's terms is basically any action which could offend a female student. Feminism = women are equal to men; that means they need to be protected like special snowflakes!

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