The new F-word - Father

Article here. Kathleen Parker makes an effort at defending dads and men. Could be stronger but she raises good points. But I always wonder: Are some women really so morally arrogant they believe they're only ones necessary to human existence? Excerpt:

'News that women increasingly are the leading or sole breadwinner in the American family has resurrected the perennial question: Why do we need men?
My argument that men should be saved is that, despite certain imperfections, men are fundamentally good and are sort of pleasant to have around. Most women still like to fall in love with them; all children want a father no matter how often we try to persuade ourselves otherwise. If we continue to impose low expectations and negative messaging on men and boys, future women won't have much to choose from.

We are nearly there.

The Pew Research Center recently found that four in 10 American households with children under age 18 include a mother who is either the primary breadwinner or the sole earner (quadruple the share in 1960). The latter category is largely owing to the surge in single-mother households.'

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... that makes me want to you-know-what?

I think it's the near-patronizing tone of the whole article. Almost apologetic but written from the standpoint of the one who presumes herself nonetheless in the superior position.

I think what really needs asking these days is, with having kids as expensive and risky as it is for men, why would we want to do it? Really who gives a crap whether women want to have kids w/ men? The question is more like: "Why the Hell would men ever want to have kids these days, particularly w/ "modern women"?

One thing's for sure: No socio-legal system has ever been in place as it is currently that guarantees an eventual (and desperately-needed) population reduction. If it propagates across the entire world (which it looks like it's doing), it may well allow the planet's human pop'n to fall to a mere 4 billion by 2300. However it will do so at an extraordinary price in social cohesion. Still, suppose it's better than Ebola.

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If children need fathers, then mothers need men. Children's needs should always come first. It's not something you can separate.

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