Male victims of domestic abuse: Beyond belief

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON, May 22, 2013 - According to the National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center, over 830,000 men are victims of domestic violence annually, about half the rate of women. This translates to one man subjected to domestic abuse every 37.8 seconds.

There are over 4,000 domestic violence programs in America but very few oriented to male victims. Such victims are abused in the same manner as women: physically, emotionally, verbal or financially. The abuse is similar between the sexes.

The Mayo Clinic claims predictable behaviors of abusers are the same as with a dominant male in a homosexual relationship as with the male partner in a heterosexual relationship. This is not to say women do not batter men, because they do.
Often a woman will claim the violence was mutual with her male partner, because women believe their male partner will be too embarrassed to admit to being abused. The same goes for homosexual relationships.

Abusers whether in a homosexual or a heterosexual relationship will often cast blame on the abused as their fault, then assert the victim acted in a way to draw the abuse.'

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