US Prof. Murray Strauss: Domestic Violence is Not One-Sided

Video interview at Israeli DV conference on YouTube here. Dr. Strauss' web site is here. Some from his Biographical Summary:

'Professor of Sociology and founder and Co-Director of the Family Research Laboratory, University of New Hampshire (since 1968).

Previously taught at the Univ of Minnesota, Cornell, Wisconsin, Washington State, U of Ceylon (Sri Lanka).

Visiting Professor: U. of Kentucky, U. Bombay (India), U. of York (England), Columbia Univ, U. of Leuven Belgium

EDUCATION: Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1956.

* President, Society For the Study of Social Problems (1989-90)
* President, Eastern Sociological Society (1991-92. and Vice President 1976-77)
* President, National Council on Family Relations (1972-3)
* Member of the Board of Directors/Governing Council:
American Association for the Advancement of Science (1971-73)
International Society For Research On Aggression, 1980-82, 2003-08
International Sociological Association, Deviance & Social Control Section, 1998-2003, 2004-08'

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