NOW President: Student Loan Debt -- It's Worse for Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'How bad is the wage gap for women in the workplace?

For college graduates, it's so bad that it begins even before women begin their careers.

According to a study by AAUW, Graduating to a Pay Gap: The Earnings of Women and Men One Year After College Graduation:
AAUW's findings tell us that women are disproportionately likely to take out loans; among 2007-2008 graduates, 68 percent of women borrowed money for college compared to 63 percent of men.'

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63 v. 68%? Guess they decided to deliberately ignore the fact that 70% of new grads are female. Well, that'd explain it. But could 5% in any case be characterized as being a "disproportion" even if the rate was 50-50?

AAUW (despite its own findings that divergences in women's earnings are due to their own choices) and NOW's annoying repetition of the wage gap myth are doing nothing for either men or women, least of all improve their job prospects. If anything, near as I can tell, the only purpose it serves is to give them a raison d'etre if not an excuse to continue soliciting donations. Pathetic.

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