SAVE E-lert: This June, Meet the Women of DV Reform

In case you haven't made plans yet to attend our June conference,"Celebrating Our Progress!" I thought I'd tell you about last year's event. We had captivating speakers, connections were made, friendships were started, and we all left feeling a little more empowered.

This year's conference is expected to be better than ever. We are excited to have two women as our keynote speakers.

June 21 - Optional lobbying. Speaker Erin Pizzey, founder of the abuse shelter movement. Complimentary dinner.

June 22 - Keynote speaker Kathleen King, former magistrate. Several more speakers. Complimentary lunch.

Visit the SAVE website for the schedule and info on lodging:

Visit eventbrite to register online:

I hope to see you there,

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

P.S. Conference ticket prices go up June 1st.

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