Canada: "Women Less Likely to Get Trauma Center Care After Injury"

Link here. Excerpt:

'A new Canadian study has uncovered an apparent gender bias in the hospital setting, with women less likely than men to get trauma center care following a severe injury.

"Gender-based disparities in access to health care services in general have been recognized for some time, and evidence is emerging that these disparities extend to the treatment of severe injuries in trauma centers," study author Andrea Hill, a postdoctoral fellow at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and the University of Toronto, said in a news release.
The team's findings stem from an analysis involving nearly 99,000 adult patients throughout Canada. About a third were women, and all had sought hospital treatment following a severe injury.

Across all age groups, just less than half of the women received trauma center care, compared to more than 63 percent of men in the same situation.'

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... to be killed and injured not just on the job but generally-speaking. Men can get drafted or do get drafted. Women can't (or, rather, the law doesn't require them even to register for it).

But no one cares. However if for whatever reason women are getting trauma care at "just under 50%" while men get it at 63%, clearly there's a HUGE conspiracy to shaft-shortchange women at all costs! After all, assuming that "just under 50%" translates to, say, 48%, this means the disparity is, in terms of what care male patients are getting, a 23.8% divergence. But in raw percentage difference, it's simply 15%.

Quick, organize a national campaign. Make little ribbons to wear on lapels and shirts. And of course, solicit donations from everyone at work, on the street, in schools, and aggressively root out the evil patriarchal conspiracy. Quick!

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Obviously, another large grant needed to fund further feminist-based research. Meanwhile back at the ranch, over 90% of workplace deaths are suffered by males.

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all these "women have it worst", lets look for discrepancies we can blame on gender BS is really making me unsympathetic to women in general. I realize that's not a good thing, but when you're bombarded with propaganda trying to guilt, shame or emotionally manipulate you, you start to develop a callous to it. I hope women realize this and will start telling feminists to knock it off (some have, but more need to do so. the chorus of opposition needs to be louder than the lobbyists.

EDIT: PS: who defined what injuries were severe? the person being surveyed?

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Simple as that.

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