Israel: TV Host: Feminism Felling Divorced Dads

Article here. Excerpt:

'Avri Gilad, one of Israel's most popular TV personalities, has decried what he calls a "fad" of false accusations against divorced fathers.

"Every day I get e-mails from fathers whose natural right to see their children is denied them by social workers, courts, the police, and what not," Gilad wrote on his popular Facebook page, which is followed by more than 20,000 people. "They cry out and no one listens – sometimes they are even mocked.

"The feminist revolution, which I support wholeheartedly, is felling victims among my brothers, the divorced fathers. In the name of [fighting] thousands of years of discrimination, in the name of an injustice that was done in the past and is done in the present to millions of women in the world, by rapacious men who shame the male sex, the legal systems believe that it is okay to mow down good people, devoted fathers who divorced because they chose to, or because others chose so for them.'

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There's his mistake. Some guys try to still "be feminists" despite their acknowledgement of what it does to men. Sometimes de-feminist-izing is a process. Not everyone suddenly realizes the madness and starts to act vs. it. It takes time, sometimes years. In my own case, it took me quite some time to emerge from the denial. I had been raised in a place and in a family that was pretty "liberal" in a lot of ways. They definitely seemed to give lip service to feminism despite my parents retaining "traditional gender roles". So I was raised in an environment where stated values were in alignment w/ feminism. Thing abt. feminism is, its results are undeniable. If you are raised in a household where you're taught bicycles are bad but after you get out yourself and see that a) there's nothing wrong w/ bicycles and b) they're actually useful devices, it may take some time, but eventually, you'll have to accept that gee, bicycles are in fact good and you're family was-- wrong. Same thing for whole societies. "Can my society be wrong abt. this?" Heck, yeah.

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