UK: Diane Abbott's confused attack on men

Article here. Excerpt:

"Look into the eyes of many of the troubled and often unhealthy young men leaving school early," she said, "who are at one with anthems of hyper-masculinised music lyrics, and YouTube clips of bullying. Look into the eyes of many of the men sitting in the cubicles of bureaucratic English offices, with a disintegrating family life. Look into the eyes of men sitting in the plush offices of the top City firms, with little of note to show for it but a nice car and often shallow relationships. Do you see clear sense of pride?"

Um, how to answer that one? Talk about petitio principii. What about she looks into the eyes of the millions of sweet men and boys who have successful family lives, who are working hard and well at their jobs, and who are, on the whole, pretty happy?
To be fair, the confused meanderings of her speech encountered – as if by coincidence – a few important points. She was good on the "pornification" of British youth, for example. And the male reluctance to seek medical attention is something that would usefully be reversed.

On the whole, however, she was bent on destroying the male persona, pinning upon it the ills of society, and offering nothing of which men can be "proud". I'm not denying that some men struggle in Britain. But letting Diane Abbott loose on the topic is like introducing a bull to a china shop.

The most revealing sentence, of course, was this: "the Left must reclaim the debate about families". Well. If this is how they go about it, the Tories have little to fear.'

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