How tackling the 'crisis of masculinity' creates a crisis for feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Tackling men's issues in this way requires the women's sector to share the gender equality pie. It also means allowing for a greater diversity of viewpoints, which will ultimately challenge the dominance of feminist thinking in the gender equality sector.

Faced with this eventuality, it is inevitable that women's groups and feminist thinkers will resist attempts to target the problems that men and boys face and try to shift the focus back on to the problems that men and boys cause.

If the Labour party is to tackle Britain's "crisis of masculinity" it will need to face up to the crisis that tackling men's issues creates for feminism. The best way for Labour to do this is by remaining true to the values of its own equalities legislation that allows for men's and women's issues to be addressed in an equitable and proportionate way.
Cruddas got it right when he said we mustn't let negative perceptions about a minority of fathers shape policy for the majority. If the rest of the party – including Labour feminists – can apply that thinking to all men's issues, we may move a step closer to tackling the "crisis of masculinity".'

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