SAVE: Tell Eric Holder to End Misconduct by VAWA-funded Prosecutors

On Tuesday, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) released the ground-breaking report, "Prosecutor Bias and Misconduct in Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Cases:"

The SAVE report reveals that prosecutors often engage in zealous practices that erode constitutional guarantees of due process of law and probable cause. It also shows that despite the fact that half of domestic violence is perpetrated by women, the vast majority of those arrested and charged are men. Such gender-biased charging policies are unconstitutional.

Section 101 of the Violence Against Women Act addresses STOP formula grants - STOP stands for Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors. One-quarter of the STOP funds go to support prosecutors.

Let's make sure that prosecutors who receive VAWA funding do their jobs fairly. Please contact Attorney General Eric Holder today:

Ask AG Holder, politely, to implement appropriate oversight procedures to assure VAWA grant recipients are not engaging in misconduct or gender bias in domestic violence cases.

Thanks so much!

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

P.S. Want to do more? Tell your representative. Find them here:

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