From Lolita to Louis CK, Feds Ban Sex Speech on Campus

Article here. Excerpt:

'In practice, that covers just about any speech of a sexual nature, period. After all, in a nation as diverse as ours, there's no shortage of opinions about what kinds of sexual expression are "unwelcome." Hell, some folks even find Anne Frank's diary "pornographic."

Think about it. A socially conservative student is offended by a BDSM panel discussion during your college's "Sex Week." Under the new federal "blueprint," he's got a sexual harassment claim to file. Or perhaps a student doesn't like hearing about a planned "Slutwalk." That's another sexual harassment claim. How about rapper Tyga's lyrics? To some students at Harvard, they would count as sexual harassment. Or a crew team's joke t-shirts reading "Check Out Our Cox"? To a few at Tufts, that would be sexual harassment.
1. When everything is sexual harassment, real harassment gets marginalized.

As discussed above, if anybody on campus can file a sexual harassment claim any time they're offended by sex-related speech, just about anything will qualify as sexual harassment. This beyond-broad definition means that real instances of truly harassing conduct will be lost among the flood of complaints, as administrative resources and time are wasted investigating and responding to students who are merely offended or uncomfortable. That's a terrible outcome for those students who are actually suffering real sexual harassment.

2. When everybody is a harasser, administrators can punish students and faculty with unpopular views.

Chances are that sooner or later, just about everybody on campus will say something sexually-related that some listener finds unwelcome -- which makes just about everybody a harasser. And when everybody's guilty of harassment, university administrators will always have a ready reason to punish a student or faculty member for expressing a viewpoint they simply dislike or disagree with. Don't think students and faculty get unfairly punished for "harassment"? Alex Myers, charged with harassment last fall for writing a letter to a rival college's hockey coach for a journalism class assignment, would beg to differ. So would Professor Jammie Price, suspended for creating a "hostile environment" after criticizing her university's response to student-athlete sexual assault cases and showing a documentary critically examining the adult film industry in her sociology class. So much for academic freedom!'

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