Forced To Pay Even Though You’re Not The Daddy

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over the years Bowdery had his drivers license stripped and once even found himself in handcuffs over child support payments for a child that’s not his, “I would hate to see somebody else go through the same thing. I’ve been going through this, headaches.”

A mound of paperwork shows a juvenile court judge ordered him to pay child support even before the birth.
Bowdery asked several judges during several hearings for a DNA test, but no judge ordered one.
In 2009 he took the child himself to get a DNA test and found the son he supported for years was not biologically his.

He took the documentation to court.

The judge wouldn’t accept it, but ordered a DNA test done that showed the same results.

The probability of paternity was zero percent.
Juvenile Court magistrate Nancy Kessler agreed in October to dis-establish paternity, but only after she admonished him for taking it this far.

“The judge stated that, ‘well I find it very distasteful that you’re bastardizing the child,” said Bowdery.

We asked a family lawyer what are the chances of Bowdery getting his money back.

Attorney Miles Mason said, “It is very unusual and very infrequent.”

Mason says in a similar case, the Tennessee Supreme Court ruled a man in middle Tennessee could sue his ex-wife for fraud. He won a $100,000 judgement.

“There was a very large judgement awarded against the mother but I doubt they would be able to collect in most cases,” said Mason.'

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