Covenants without Circumcision in the Jewish Reform Movement

Article here. Excerpt:

'(TEL AVIV) - Many Rabbis are welcoming intact males into the Jewish community, and a growing number of Rabbis feel that surgical circumcision is no longer appropriate in the 21st century. In Europe, 200 years ago, influential Rabbis in the early Reform movement of Judaism began writing in private correspondences that Jews should abolish circumcision surgery. This movement first became well-popularized in the mid 70’s when some of the first Rabbis and celebrans in American began doing them for Jewish parents and sons. Today, almost 200 Rabbis perform Jewish covenant rituals without surgical circumcision, and many more will do so upon request. These include Rabbis in the Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Renewal, Humanistic, and many other branches of Judaism. Keeping a Jewish son intact is no longer a marginal phenomenon. One list of these celebrants has gotten so large that Jewish parents, who choose not to circumcise their son, can find a Rabbi almost anywhere in the United States who will do a symbolic covenant ceremony. This list contains a number of Rabbis with intact grandchildren for whom they have held these kind welcoming ceremonies and blessings.

Groups of Jews who chose to keep their sons intact are starting up in the United States, Israel, and elsewhere. Both Reform Judaism and Humanistic Judaism formally welcome intact Jewish males. Many feel that if true Jewish morals were adhered to, circumcision surgery would be impossible.'

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