‘War on women’ could loom large in 2016

Article here. Excerpt:

'Americans who grew weary of the “war on women” meme in the 2012 election may want to take a deep breath: The issue may loom even larger in 2016, an influential social critic told a Capitol Hill symposium.

The groundwork is already being laid for a resurgence of feminism in America, author and think-tank fellow Kay S. Hymowitz told the “War on Women: Myth or Reality” event, hosted by the Family in America, a quarterly publication of the Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society.
This is a “hard-line feminist approach” and it’s been a huge success, said Ms. Hymowitz, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a domestic-policy think tank in New York City, and author of “Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys.”'

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Feminists keep pushing this war on women baloney -- how long before the general public stops listening to them? And if they have to increase the threat narrative to be heard, how long before the public starts rejecting it?

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... eventually the mass of people will believe it." Or something like that.

Funny thing is, when this observation was made, two things were true:

1) Media was by and large controlled by a handful of players, and the gov't had the power to seize and operate the media for its own ends (think Nazi Germany). But in places where the gov't cannot by law/custom control the media directly, it's hard for them to gain a message-monopoly. This was true even before the dawn of the Internet. So while at various times here in the US, some people in the gov't have tried to create a singular message and disperse it (think of McCarthyism in the '50s), they still couldn't get the kind of single-eyed, tunnel-visioned compliance with their ideology that they sought. They did a lot of damage to some people and created a climate of paranoia, but only for awhile. Eventually, it was defeated. But no one ever said that there was no price for fighting against bad forces in the world. There is usually always a price to be paid. In today's day and age, can anyone or any group of people, much less a single or group of gov'ts, control "the message"? Hardly, not unless they take extraordinary measures to do so and the people by and large are already in miserable conditions (think N. Korea).

2) The mass of people have to be fairly uneducated and largely incapable of any kind of critical thinking-- this was where people were at in Weimar Germany, making them easy targets for the NSDAP's bullsh*it machine, in addition to so many being unemployed and hopeless about their future. (While US unemployment is bad, it is nothing like Weimar Germany's was). Now it's true education by and large could be better here in the US in terms of "the basics", but that's been true for some time, even before this most recent era of resurgent feminism. In addition, while critical thinking is not taught directly as a subject, it is taught indirectly. It is necessary for doing anything related to experimental science. Biology and chemistry are all taught in high schools in the US. And while many people do not always do so well in these classes because they have trouble remembering things like the names of the organelles of a cell or the details of the Kreb's Cycle, they at least get exposed to "the scientific method". Anyone who teaches it by implication has to discuss the notion of causation vs. correlation: Because y happens after x, x did not necessarily *cause* y, even if y happens every time x happens. A causal relationship has to be proven. This is a simple enough idea, but a very powerful one. It tells people to do two things, really: Validate assumptions first, then seek to show causation. This is *the key* to de-bunking bullsh*t propagated from *any* source: feminists, the government, people trying to sell you something you don't in fact need, etc. It is in fact the one thing anyone needs to know to avoid being hornswaggled by anyone. And just in case it doesn't get taught in school, it can be discovered easily enough in many places-- like a post on the Internet. :)

I know that feminists have been quite successful at propagating paranoia and false facts. Just like the McCarthyists of the 1950s, or the radical revolutionary groups (e.g.: the Weathermen) of the 1960s, etc., they hope to gain power by getting people to believe things that are false so they will follow them. But did those people succeed, ultimately? No. They had some success for some time, but ultimately, failed. And while I think things will get worse before they get better vis-a-vis the Feminist Hooey Machine and its effects on people/society, I think one day, they will be relegated to the same dust-bin of history that the McCarthyists and Weathermen were. Bye-bye!

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