"America has been feminized"

Letter here.

'I get tired of the constant drumbeat by women about inequality. The so-called equal pay issue, for example, is bogus.

Most studies I've seen concluded it is a matter of time worked -- that men simply put more time into the work place and consequently earn more overall. In any case, many laws cover discrimination.

Regarding equality, men are now on the margin if not on the bench. Women control our interpersonal relationships, family life, child rearing, schools, churches, culture, arts and TV. America has been feminized.

About 60 percent of college admissions are now girls, while dropouts from high school are mostly boys. Most high school scholarships and awards seem to go to girls.

According to the U.S. Department of Education, women control around 60 percent of the nation's wealth -- now that's power. Let’s cast this mythical, disingenuous "inequality" aside.'

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