Feminism is an outdated movement, becoming a joke

Article here. Excerpt:

Feminism is outdated. In the 21st century, feminists are finding more and more ways to play victim. Instead of promoting women’s rights, they’re just making us laugh.
Don’t misunderstand me – I am pro-equal opportunity for both sexes in all capacities. However, I strongly disagree with the way many feminists go about things. They play victim to everything: men, the media, the workplace and even in education.

So when will the feminist movement be happy enough to back down and let the rest of us peacefully continue on with our lives?
The movement helped turn around women’s lives and make everyone equal. However, in 2013, feminism has proven to be more controversial than beneficial. It has grown to stand for the exact opposite of what women in the 1800s had in mind.
It is an obsolete movement that most women nowadays abuse to gain power and attention.

Women need to help make feminism a serious topic again because without that help, feminism will continue to be exactly what it is today – an outdated joke.'

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