Malecare: Understanding the New Options for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer – Treatments, Immunotherapy & Clinical Trials

Malecare April Teleconference

"Understanding the New Options for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer – Treatments, Immunotherapy & Clinical Trials"

1 - An overview of the new treatments now available for men with castrate resistant advanced prostate including a discussion of the sequencing and combining of these treatments.
2 - A discussion about immunotherapies and their role in current treatment.
3 - Q&A

The conference is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 6PM EDT

Simply dial in at 800-920-7487 or direct dial 404 920 1710, conference code 8534374

Please email your questions for the speakers, in advance, to

James L. Gulley, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P.
Director, Clinical Trials Group &
Deputy Chief, Laboratory of Tumor Immunology and Biology
Senior Investigator, Medical Oncology Branch
Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute National Institutes of Health

Joel Nowak, MSW, MS
Director, Advocacy and Advanced Stage Disease
Malecare Cancer Support

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