Oprah Targeted By Circumcision Protesters

Article here.

'Apparently, the protesting group claims the Daytime Deity uses stem cells found in removed foreskin. Check out the below report from the Jewish Press while we figure out where we can immediately order this skincare line!

"How would Oprah respond if a skin cream for men hit the market that was made using cells from the genitalia of little girls? I think she would be absolutely disgusted and appalled, and rightly so. So it’s crazy that she’s doing the opposite,” the group’s founder Glen Callender told the Toronto Star. “We think it’s extremely hypocritical and distasteful that Oprah Winfrey — who is herself a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and an outspoken opponent of female genital mutilation — at the same time uses and promotes a product that wouldn’t exist if not for the forcible genital mutilation of boys.”

As JoeMyGod points out, the skincare line's founder says the stem cells are used in foreskins that were removed 20 years ago.

Cancel our order, please.'

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