An explanation for the age-old word count difference
This almost by way of humor, but at least those of you wondering if it's nature vs. nurture may be relieved somewhat to see nature seems to be a substantial contributor. Also note how mother mice go to tend their male pups first, possibly to quiet them down sooner since they're making the most noise. This may explain why human parents seem to give more attention to the female infants/toddlers: they may simply be "demanding" more attention due to greater vocalization than their male siblings. Excerpt:
'Women do really talk more than men, a study has concluded.
American researchers found females are the more talkative sex because of a special “language protein” in the brain.
The study, compiled by neuroscientists and psychologist from the University of Maryland, concluded that women talked more because they had more of the Foxp2 protein.
The research, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, found that higher levels were found among humans that were women but in rats they were males.
Their findings come after it was previously claimed that ladies speak about 20,000 words a day – more than 13,000 more than men.'
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