Women With Skills Earn Equal Pay To Male Counterparts

Article here. Excerpt:

'So it seems natural that IT would be a leader in closing the gap in compensation between the sexes. And the latest salary survey from Dice, a career site for technology and engineering professionals, confirms and reaffirms a truth that has been constant in Dice analyses since 2009: With tech workers, the compensation gender gap has disappeared. Average salaries are equal for male and female tech pros, provided the comparison is between men and women with equal levels of experience and education and parallel job titles.

According to the 2013-2012 Dice salary survey, while men out-earned women overall by an average annual income of $95,929 to $87,527, the difference is driven by the fact that the two groups tend to hold different positions. Among the key findings of the survey was job title. It was reported that female IT workers were more prevalent in project manager positions, with males were more often employed as software engineers.

"When it comes to technology employment, it's a skills driven marketplace," said Tom Silver, senior vice president of Dice. "The ability to apply that know-how to a given problem remains the core of employment--why tech professionals get hired and how they are compensated."'

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When I was in my early 20s, I had no marketable skills and a BA from a good uni. Consequently I was lucky to get temp work. The highest I made was $7/hr. Then I got fed up w/ eating noodles every night and having no money at all even after digging ditches, etc., for almost nothing. So I went back to school in an in-demand field so I could learn practical skills. Then suddenly-- wow! My first job out was $35k, more money than I'd ever made in my life! Actually, it was more than twice what I'd earned in previous years, and guess what-- I didn't have to dig ditches anymore!

Lesson learned the hard way: College degrees are as valuable as the knowledge imparted is in demand by others. And, working smarter is by far a better strategy than working harder (though often, both are needed for success in anything big).

So feminists want women's studies BAs to be as valuable as Comp Sci BSs... in a word: No.

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